Cemetery Name
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Glade Park
???? (need history)

Glade Park Cemetery - **Photo Credit: DRJ 2004
Find A Grave - Glade Park Cemetery.
Gate Location Address: Cemetery Lane off 16 1/2 Rd. North of Glade Park Store
Directions: Use Little Park Road or Monument Road to Glade Park Store. At DS Road or 16 1/2 Rd go North on from store about 1 mile to Cemetery Lane (also called 'Private Road' but is accessible) (If you see the Glade Park general store you have gone one mile too far). Turn right and head East about 0.1 mile. Cemetery is on Right (South) side of road.
Possible burials from 'A Glade Park History Remembered' by Albert Ozbun, published: 1883, 1889, 1995.
- Samuel Wrench, 1913
- Worrie Carpenter family: 2 children died and were buried in cemetery. Worry gave the ground to the people of Glade Park to use as a cemetery. **Note: According to the BLM database Worrie applied for a homestead patent in 1920 of which part of the patent included the property that he donated for a cemetery.
- Charlie Carpenter - one child buried in cemetery
- Clifford Carpenter. age 2 - Child of Henry and Annabella
- Nova Halloway died in 1975 on Glade Park - burial?
- Ward Thompson - 1919?
- Elaine & Duval Thompson?
- Infant Miracle
- Infant Lane, 18 months, Spinal Meningitis
There are 145 burials listed on Find a Grave for this cemetery, however many of the burials on this list do not appear.
Miscellaneous obituaries
- John W Campbell 1840 - 1915
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